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Abatement Policy


Below is the Waterville Sewerage District Abatement Policy.  Shortcuts include:


II  Broken/Leaking Plumbing

III Skating Rinks

IV Pools

Lawns Gardens and Plants


This policy covers the rules and procedures for account holders to request abatements for a variety of reasons.  All abatement requests will be approved by the Board of Commissioners.

I.  General:

1.  An analysis of each account holder’s history record may be necessary in order to determine a recommended abatement.


2. If an account holder’s reason for their abatement request is not covered by the specific situations covered in this policy then then account holder must submit in writing the details of the situation that they are requesting an abatement for.  When all of the facts regarding the situation are verified and analyzed by the Superintendent the request will be presented to the Board of Commissioners at the earliest monthly Board meeting possible and the Board will either approve or disapprove the request based on the merit of the case. The Board retains the option to request additional information before reaching a decision.


3.  Account holders requesting abatements are welcome to come to the Board meeting when their request is being considered and will be provided with the opportunity to present their case.


4.  No abatement will be given under any circumstances that will reduce the bill below the minimum quarterly charge.


5.  A meter referenced in this policy is considered private and must be a “permanent meter” installed inside the home that services an outside spigot only. A permanent meter is defined as one that is not easily removed. Account holders must allow the District to inspect the meters.

II. Broken/Leaking Plumbing:

1.  Account holders can request, in writing, an abatement for metered water that does not enter the District’s sanitary system resulting from broken or leaking plumbing.


2.  When an abatement request is received for this type of situation an on-sight inspection must be conducted by WSD personnel to better understand the situation.  


3.  Once the inspection is complete and an analysis of the bill is also completed then the abatement request will be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for consideration.

III. Skating Rinks:

1.  Meter readings are required for approval of this type of abatement.


2.  Account holders need to submit a written statement to the District with the before and after meter readings, the date the rink was flooded and the account holder’s signature. 


3.  Only the initial making of the rink will be allowed and not every individual flooding.

IV. Pools:

1.  By water meter readings:


A.  Account holders must install a permanent meter that services an external spigot used to fill their pool.


B. If requested by the District, pool account holders must agree to allow the District to inspect the meter.


C.  Account holders must submit a written statement to the District with before filling and after filling meter readings, the date the pool was filled, the dimensions of the pool, and a signature.


D.  No abatement will be given that will reduce the bill below the minimum quarterly charge.


2.  Requests without meter readings:


A.  Abatements for filling pools without metering, if approved by the Board of Commissioners, will be granted only once.


B. Account holders must submit a written letter addressed to the Board of Commissioners stating the situation. The letter must state the dimensions of the pool, the before and after height levels of the water, and why a meter was not used. 


V.  Lawns, Gardens and Plants:

1.  If a separate private outside meter is installed to directly service the area in question (lawn, garden, tree farm, nursery, etc.) then abatements can be requested.


2.  Account holders must submit a signed statement in writing to the District with the before and after meter readings along with the start and end dates for the readings.

Approved by the WSD Board of Commissioners on April 11, 2017

The WSD Abatement Policy adopted October 8, 1991 is no longer in effect. 

Skating Rinks
Lawns Gardens and Plants
Broken Plumbing
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